Attraction and Service Management

In the unit, you will acquire knowledge on the management of attractions and visitors, including the field of experience management, in order to ensure that service providers are aware of the operational mechanisms, methods and tools for providing a complex visitor experience.

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Hike Leading Essentials

The unit summarizes the basics of tour guiding in general and covers the most important information about the specific tour guiding skills of the hiking, bike and water tours in a clear and easily understandable way. It can encourage beginner guides who have had a successful experience to deepen their knowledge

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Local Product Development

The unit describes tourism products, their development and the characteristics of each product. It reviews the resources in the tourism system, how they can become an attraction to develop tourism products and what conditions are necessary for this.

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Social Media Communication

Nowadays, companies carry out a significant part of their communication online. The unit describes marketing content sharing, sharing opinions and views, the media, relationships and bonds between users and companies.

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